Touring quilts are the ones out wandering in the world.
I enjoy the large impact of a good touring quilt. My first larger-than-my-own-life quilt project involved Quilts-on-Stilts. Soon after, I launched a Pop-Up Tour of a Quilt-in-Progress because it was so time consuming I thought it might never be done! (Spoiler alert: I finished that one and it’s off on a journey in Australia for a long bit.)
Touring quilts are influential. They invite conversation. They reach an audience much wider and diverse than I have in my small town. I’m so happy to share quilts in the bigger world.
The other thing I like is teaching about making quilts. It’s a way to spread the love and joy of quilting, of message making, of using your art and your voice as a social force for change. I mention a couple of those projects here too.
Have you seen a quilt that makes you question our world yet?