08•08•2020• 8a-8p
a driving tour of Easthampton’s household quilts on display for a day
Art on porches in the sunshine.
Read all about it.
Use this tour guide to learn more about the quilts.
Open the map and use google driving directions to guide you through the tour!
Sun Bath Quilt Tour is a self-guided driving tour of Easthampton’s household quilts on display in yards and on porches, from 8am-8pm on August 8, 2020.
(Raindate: August 9.)
Why is it happening? Who is it for?
In the midst of chaotic times it is important to shine our lights brightly. Easthampton’s own SUN BATH Quilt Tour offers an opportunity for folks throughout the community to celebrate our city, our “Center of the Universe”, by sharing art from within our own collections. By creating a “Quilt Display for a Day” on front porches and windows, we will offer a driving self-guided tour of quilts for people of all ages to safely enjoy, bringing their light to all the corners of our city.
Community sourced quilts will be displayed outside our own private homes- out windows, on porches and lawns.
Let you friends and neighbors know to check it out using social media #SunBathQuiltTour #ItsInEasthampton
or download and deliver this flyer: SUN BATH QUILT TOUR FLYER
How can I take the tour?
On Saturday, August 8, from 8 am -8 pm, just follow the self-guided tour map and drive around to the addresses!
To safely view the tour from your car please drive slowly as you approach a quilt stop, use your hazard lights to alert other drivers to your plan to pause and, be respectful of neighbors in the vicinity. If you plan to talk with folks outside of your car, please have a mask handy to wear if they approach you. Photos are welcome!
Please share on social media #SunBathQuiltTour #ItsInEasthampton
This project is made possible through generous support from
Thank you to the ECA Artist Grants Initiative for support of this project!